Medication Names in Israel

Medication Names in Israel
Israel Health Care Info

To get medication can be confusing for travellers and expats in Israel. As every country has its own regulations, and as even some of the drugs’ names vary from country to country, it also depends on your country of origin how easily you’ll navigate the pharmacy shelves.

There are a number of medications in Israel that have different generic and brand names to the names they have in other parts of the world. Aspirin is Aspirin. But for example the generic name for Paracetamol (as it is called in the UK, Tylenol, Panadol or Dafalgan in the US and Europe) is Acamol in Israel. Valium / Diazepam (UK) is Assival in Israel, The common antibiotics Amoxicillin goes by the name Moxipen in Israel, the common beta blocker Bisoprolol, also known as Zebeta, goes in Israel by the name Cardiloc …

In addition to the different names, there may also be some medications in Israel that are not available in the same form (liquid/spray/tablet) as you usually take. Always consult with a doctor or pharmacist for advice on equivalent medications and formations.

Prescription Drugs in Israel

For prescription drugs, you will need to see a doctor in Israel in any case, as prescriptions from abroad are not recognized in pharmacies in Israel (find out more about prescriptions and prescription-refills in the Tel Aviv Doctor Health Blog).